Sofa's 2022 Hero Roundup. Happy new year HEROes.
31 Dec 2022, 18:45
Sofa’s 2022 Hero Roundup
🥳Happy new year HEROes!🎇
It’s been an eventful year and one of great change at Metahero, so I just wanted to take a quick moment to roundup some of the major work and progress made in 2022 since taking over the project. The Fruits of this work finally manifest this coming year. But for now a chance to reflect on the hard work to date, particularly of the last 6 months.
🤝The Takeover.
Summer time saw the announcement of Mariusz Krols decision to take over Metahero as CEO and have WOLF group lead the day to day management of the project. From starting out as the technology providers for the project, it made sense to have those closest to the technology and it’s capabilities take the lead.
👬 Team overhaul
By far the biggest and most time consuming task of the year started as the new CEO began a complete overhaul of the team from top to bottom. From senior management to backend developers, marketing department to community management. The recruitment and training process began, as we began to set up internal communication flows and structures and steadily we began to assemble the team to lead this project to it’s lofty long term goals. Whilst many of those new team members got straight into their work for the project, the recent launch of the #HEROteam series has begun confirming some of those key management roles to the public, as we expand even further in 2023. Look out for more on that front soon!
⌨️🌐The First Portable Scanner & Optimisation
Piotr Harwas (Metahero CINO) made big breakthroughs this year with the optimisation of our scan and render process. One of his achievements being the creation of a new more portable design to our meta-scanners
This new cage design, created to allow for much greater transportation of our scanners, required lengthy R&D, and has also led us to the further optimisation of our scan set up itself. As a result of these developments, we are now able to create the same, highest resolution scanning, but with significantly less cameras. Great news for the scaling of the project, and this new layout has since been adapted as the design for all current scanners.
📸 Sony increasing production
After years of hardware shortages due to the global pandemic (remember that? That wasn’t fun!) We were greeted with the welcome news from our supply partners Sony that they would finally be ramping up production for us of the required cameras and lenses - enabling us to begin to scale up our own operations into the new year. Our deal has allowed us to secure a significant percentage of Sony’s distribution of this camera in Europe and we are grateful to them for their ongoing support.
🎪Promised Land Art Festival
Metahero were invited directly by CD Projekt Red
(The makers of infamous triple A titles : Cyberpunk 2077 and the Witcher series) to showcase our new Portable scanner to the public for the first time. Creative types and the general public came from all over to the event, where we live demo’d to rooms full of top industry creatives and developers. We made some fantastic connections and it was a great opportunity to continue nurturing our relationship with CDPR, who even took time out for a sit down interview with us on their excitement over the potential uses of scanning technology in the gaming sector
🎤Sokol Concert
Once again WOLF group were busy showcasing some of the capabilities that will be accessible to the public via the Metahero platform. At a sold out show in Warsaw, WOLF’s 3D scans of the artist and his crew were animated across giant screens. The show also featured a 6 metre high sculpture of Sokol printed in recycle PET materials. The show was professionally recorded by Sokols team and we await news of that footage being released for streaming. The moment we hear, we will of course let you know where it can be checked out! (Wolf’s 3d printing prowess was also featured in part 1 of Mariusz latest Q&A.)
⚖️Legal Progress.
As discussed in Mariusz Q&A part 1 video. One of the biggest obstacles for a company like us this year has been setting the legal f
Same news in other sources
231 Dec 2022, 18:45
drops (not token drops!) , weighted voting writes, and potentially further profit share rewards depending on the outcome of our Tokenomic vote mentioned in Q&A part 2 where we discussed what will be done with 10% of our b2c transactions.
🧘🏻 A calmer more informed community
One of the things I’m most proud of personally this year is the turnaround in our community spaces. We took on a space with a lot of fractious energy, concern and division, particularly around the lack of clear communication more than anything… but through this Crypto winter, we have had the time to collect ourselves and overhaul the tone, frequency and access to open information that has seen a much more grounded and calm space of late. Along with my team I would like to thank all of our members, from the OG’s from day 1, to those newer to the chats for your patience with us as we worked through a tough overhaul period.
Thank you for joining us on this road and for sticking with us to create a more inclusive and measured environment. We don’t shy away from pressing enquiries, we’re open to the hard questions and we try not to rule with an iron fist whilst also being diligent to ensure the safety and harmony of those communicating in our spaces.
So on behalf on the team Thank you again and I wish you all a Happy New Year.
I hope of course that it is a prosperous one for you all and the project as 2023 ushers in a monumental step forward for our project.
See you in 2023 as we finally unleash our platform to the public!
drops (not token drops.
drops (not token drops!) , weighted voting writes, and potentially further profit share rewards depending on the outcome of our Tokenomic vote mentioned in Q&A part 2 where we discussed what will be done with 10% of our b2c transactions.
🧘🏻 A calmer more informed community
One of the things I’m most proud of personally this year is the turnaround in our community spaces. We took on a space with a lot of fractious energy, concern and division, particularly around the lack of clear communication more than anything… but through this Crypto winter, we have had the time to collect ourselves and overhaul the tone, frequency and access to open information that has seen a much more grounded and calm space of late. Along with my team I would like to thank all of our members, from the OG’s from day 1, to those newer to the chats for your patience with us as we worked through a tough overhaul period.
Thank you for joining us on this road and for sticking with us to create a more inclusive and measured environment. We don’t shy away from pressing enquiries, we’re open to the hard questions and we try not to rule with an iron fist whilst also being diligent to ensure the safety and harmony of those communicating in our spaces.
So on behalf on the team Thank you again and I wish you all a Happy New Year.
I hope of course that it is a prosperous one for you all and the project as 2023 ushers in a monumental step forward for our project.
See you in 2023 as we finally unleash our platform to the public!
31 Dec 2022, 18:45
ramework for what is an innovate technology proposition. Our legal teams have made huge strides this year working with various government bodies and jurisdictions to have us ready to finally launch our platform, whilst complying with existing (and pushing for new!) legislation all the way.
✍🏼The Database Agreement and HQ Move
Mariusz was across borders…alot, this year. Numerous flights and interviews with different cantons later, the identification of locations of WOLFs new Home base and an agreement for the creation of our database at a government level high security facility was agreed. With work commencing on that database - WOLF group finally began the early process of the move of their home base to Switzerland this year, a mammoth undertaking and one that is of course ongoing as per the roadmap
📡New Communications
One of the most important improvements we wanted to make this year was to change the nature of our communications to something more grounded, transparent and realistic. The deployment of a new community manager (👋🏼), admin team and marketing department have all played a major part in delivering a new style of communications more fitting with the teams vision for the project. Our Telegram channels provide a calm and informative space for investors to ask important questions whilst our new Q&A format and slick announcement visuals began to find the necessary balance between open and frequent communications - and high production value content, in line with our business style. There’s plenty more where that came from in 2023.
👨🏼🎨Properly Studios announcement
We recently announced our ongoing partnership with the team at Properly Design Studios who have been hard at work this quarter on our rebrand. Their wonderful work is with us is nearly ready for its debut, and is scheduled to go live in January ‘23 along with the launch of our brand new website and booking platform!
🧍📲 Avatar app development & a new Technological Partner
Along with our new technological partners, Q4 has seen great advancements in our back and front end development on our brand new Avatar app. Following my demo of the app this week I’m getting really excited about this being one of the first early use cases for you to interact with your avatar! Set to launch roughly in line with the launch of our scanning sessions, users will have a new way to interact with and manage their scans with a range of utilities far beyond the previous Metahero App which will likely soon be retired altogether.
Once we get the green light on the copy of our Technological partners announcement in the new year, we will be sure to reveal them shortly too!
📑 White Paper
Given the details and direction of the project and it’s business plan has been an evolving process since the takeover of a new team, Despite various setbacks, the final draft of our new white paper was finally put out internally for last reviews and amendments by our various departments this week. Having passed on my own personal feedback along with the team, and given the process of finalising any extra rewrites or additions, we anticipate publication is finally around the corner (tentatively the author has suggested they are working towards the end of week 1 of Jan) Regardless it’s great to read and have the document on the table.
🌐New Website & Rebranding
A Ton of work has been done here between Marek and Properly. We are ready for the new year and the launch of our platform to the public with the website currently pencilled for the latter end of January. Having had a walk through demo this week of the latest website updates, it’s looking incredibly slick and a real level up. Time for that 2023 Glow up!
✊🏼 The Loyalty Program
The plan for our upcoming loyalty program was put together this year and the development is underway and continues ,as per our roadmap. Mariusz has already begun communicating the plan for it and the benefits it will provide. It is linked directly to the platform being live and includes everything from Discounts and early access to services, to exclusive
ramework for what is an innovate technology proposition.
ramework for what is an innovate technology proposition. Our legal teams have made huge strides this year working with various government bodies and jurisdictions to have us ready to finally launch our platform, whilst complying with existing (and pushing for new!) legislation all the way.
✍🏼The Database Agreement and HQ Move
Mariusz was across borders…alot, this year. Numerous flights and interviews with different cantons later, the identification of locations of WOLFs new Home base and an agreement for the creation of our database at a government level high security facility was agreed. With work commencing on that database - WOLF group finally began the early process of the move of their home base to Switzerland this year, a mammoth undertaking and one that is of course ongoing as per the roadmap
📡New Communications
One of the most important improvements we wanted to make this year was to change the nature of our communications to something more grounded, transparent and realistic. The deployment of a new community manager (👋🏼), admin team and marketing department have all played a major part in delivering a new style of communications more fitting with the teams vision for the project. Our Telegram channels provide a calm and informative space for investors to ask important questions whilst our new Q&A format and slick announcement visuals began to find the necessary balance between open and frequent communications - and high production value content, in line with our business style. There’s plenty more where that came from in 2023.
👨🏼🎨Properly Studios announcement
We recently announced our ongoing partnership with the team at Properly Design Studios who have been hard at work this quarter on our rebrand. Their wonderful work is with us is nearly ready for its debut, and is scheduled to go live in January ‘23 along with the launch of our brand new website and booking platform!
🧍📲 Avatar app development & a new Technological Partner
Along with our new technological partners, Q4 has seen great advancements in our back and front end development on our brand new Avatar app. Following my demo of the app this week I’m getting really excited about this being one of the first early use cases for you to interact with your avatar! Set to launch roughly in line with the launch of our scanning sessions, users will have a new way to interact with and manage their scans with a range of utilities far beyond the previous Metahero App which will likely soon be retired altogether.
Once we get the green light on the copy of our Technological partners announcement in the new year, we will be sure to reveal them shortly too!
📑 White Paper
Given the details and direction of the project and it’s business plan has been an evolving process since the takeover of a new team, Despite various setbacks, the final draft of our new white paper was finally put out internally for last reviews and amendments by our various departments this week. Having passed on my own personal feedback along with the team, and given the process of finalising any extra rewrites or additions, we anticipate publication is finally around the corner (tentatively the author has suggested they are working towards the end of week 1 of Jan) Regardless it’s great to read and have the document on the table.
🌐New Website & Rebranding
A Ton of work has been done here between Marek and Properly. We are ready for the new year and the launch of our platform to the public with the website currently pencilled for the latter end of January. Having had a walk through demo this week of the latest website updates, it’s looking incredibly slick and a real level up. Time for that 2023 Glow up!
✊🏼 The Loyalty Program
The plan for our upcoming loyalty program was put together this year and the development is underway and continues ,as per our roadmap. Mariusz has already begun communicating the plan for it and the benefits it will provide. It is linked directly to the platform being live and includes everything from Discounts and early access to services, to exclusive