Hi everyone,. I'm writing on behalf of Mariusz who was supposed to address your questions this week.

12 Jul 2022, 20:26
Hi everyone, I’m writing on behalf of Mariusz who was supposed to address your questions this week. First of all I would like to apologize that your expectations hasn’t been fulfilled yet. When the new leader of Metahero was announced, you’ve been promised transparency and honesty so I’m here to explain how things are going on our side. First of all, you’ve asked very important questions, and even if sometimes they are short and simple, the answers are not. At least if we want to keep the promise from the paragraph above. Metahero is based on two components - the crypto tokenomy and the technology of photogrammetric scanning. Both fields changed dramatically over last 12 months since the project has been launched and we put all efforts to figure out the best way to bring real utility and value, in given circumstances. From the practical side, we’ve took over the project only few weeks ago and we’re building a new team suitable for future needs that become clearer to us over the days we spend on research and workshops. Therefore, please forgive us the absence, even to celebrate the first anniversary. We just don’t have time to party when there is a project to reshape. Last but not least, Mariusz will prepare the AMA, and to put ourselves into duty mode, we set the release date for July 22nd (this year 😉). Stay healthy!