Hey Folks. Another update.

09 Feb 2023, 10:40
Hey Folks! Another update! šŸ¦¾ Super productive meeting with the new marketing guy, excited to get moving with him and up our content output in the coming months once we bed him in I have just come off a call with him (our first introduction - so just giving a whole general background and filling him in on everything to date, so thereā€™s ALOT for him to digest now) He has drawn up his plan to present to Jakub this week which is great. Well likely need a minute just to set up the new workflow together but Iā€™m super excited to get started with him now. From there we'll begin to work together to refine his plans for content production and exploration of other socials platforms etc. Marketing plan is vital to general scheduling as a whole- so was important we get this drawn up so we can draw up the plan for our internal dates for the website launch, booking platform, scanner launch, Avatar app, partnership annnouncements etc etc and the content around it all over the coming weeks and months Iā€™ve told him all the bits we were working on, what weā€™d planned, and discussed his own vision and things heā€™d like to explore too. He did make a point of commenting that from researching alot of TG groups and communities in preparing for this job, this really stands out as an engaged community already, and thinks theres plenty to work with here, so looking forward to our collaboration going forwards. In time weā€™ll find a minute to do a #HeroTeam introduction for him etc. but for now (even whilst Im meant to be away taking a break this fortnightšŸ™ˆ) I will of course be checking in with him regularly to to get the ball rolling on future content. In the meantime, thanks for your patience while weā€™ve been making these adjustments to the marketing set up!! Onwards!