HAPPY MONDAY FOLKS. A Lil update to start the week from me.

13 Mar 2023, 11:25
HAPPY MONDAY FOLKS! A Lil update to start the week from me Just jumped off a meeting along with Marketing and Marek who was talking us through the new website design and method for updating the blog section this morning. GREAT to see how the site has evolved since I saw the UI design work for it a while back…Love it! Think Marek has done a fantastic job along with Jakub and the design team and just letting you all know it’s in a really great place having played around with it for a bit the last 10 minutes on my own. Super slick, cool attention to details and totally understand their decision to take the time to get it right… very much looking forward to sharing their hard work with you all! Current completion of the coding/rendering work on the site appears to be on course for Jakubs timeline mentioned in Q&A which is great. So then as we've mentioned it seems it’ll be a matter of when all marketing material around website launch can be produced and ready to go and we’ll be set for the greenlight on going live (no point launching without letting people know it’s happening after all) Exciting times! Once the new marketing lead is able to set his shoot schedule with core team (more meetings this week for him to confirm availabilities this month with them) we’ll get stuck in to that key content production for the lead up to launch. Hoping as one of the first parts of that, we’ll be able to intro the new head of marketing, for him to expand on that a little more and so you can all hear this from him! He’s raring to go! As ever - we will keep you updated along the road, but just wanted to pass that on! Hope everyone has a great week! Onwards!