Awareness campaigns, content production, Team expansion , legal work, Tier 1 negotiations,avatar app work, all of that stuff is

04 Mar 2023, 19:48
Awareness campaigns, content production, Team expansion , legal work, Tier 1 negotiations,avatar app work, all of that stuff is ongoing, That said Honestly, as I've been saying since January at this point I wouldn't be looking at the now 6-7 months old roadmap and counting the days down every time at this point. ("20 days left" - "10 days left to get this out where is it!?!!" etc.) if a roadmap point isn't hit as per originally hoped- nothing collapses, it doesnt mean it's not gonna happen ever, it just means its running behind an old the vast majority of tech projects tbh. Just as the white paper didnt land in Q4, it came in Q1 this year. These things will arrive eventually, it's a matter of it taking the time it takes. They don't just not happen because an arbituary date ,written over 7 months ago ,by someone at the company vaguely trying to predict the future, passes by. Roadmap is useful as a very general guide to parts that lead to the ongoing long term goals of the project - a list of things that will be happening one after the other rather than sweating the time frame every 3 months too much. Development obviously continues, there is progress made in various aspects as per content put out (and plenty more that isnt public yet) But we can't push on with alot of Q1 until we have site live ultimately, and thats likely to be earlier in Q2 as discussed. Main focus first is on Website and booking platform going live (Jakub updated 3-4 weeks for final coding last week) then soon as awareness/marketing prep is ready - then its green light time - All of that obviously has a knock on effect for pretty much everything else in the roadmap so really wouldnt get too attatched to something written half a year ago at this point, without the hindsight we have today. It will happen in time- so by all means look to it as a guide to what comes next, but we're all aware of the delays at this point so better looked to as an ongoing to do list than anything else.